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Financial Crime

In the intricate world of financial crimes, there are numerous techniques employed by individuals and criminal organizations to obscure their illicit activities. Among these techniques, two common practices stand out: smurfing and structuring.  What is structuring? Structuring occurs when someone […]

First-party fraud (FPF) is a type of fraudulent activity where an entity deliberately engages in deceptive practices or provides false information to defraud a company or organization from within. A unifying factor behind various types of first-party fraud is that […]

Credit card fraud is one of the most common types of identity fraud. Its prevalence rose significantly during the coronavirus pandemic, with fraudulent credit card applications up 17 percent in the first month of the pandemic alone. And this has […]

While embezzlement and money laundering are both financial offenses that often involve the movement of large sums of money, the terms are far from interchangeable. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), between two and five […]

Cash-intensive facilities that utilize complex transaction chains often attract criminals looking to launder illicitly obtained funds. Casinos fall into this category, offering gamblers anonymity and the ability to transact large amounts of money at a rapid scale.  While the market […]

According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), money laundering through real estate is one of the oldest known ways to move and hide illicit funds. Often viewed as a popular means to “wash” funds because large amounts […]