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Transaction Monitoring

If you’ve found this article, the chances are you’re looking for: A transaction monitoring solution that’s scalable, efficient, and powerful. A quick comparison of the top available solutions. A clear list of features.  This article summarizes six top transaction monitoring […]

In our 2023 State of Financial Crime report, 99% of senior compliance professionals said they use AI to enhance transaction monitoring. Yet deficient technology is still contributing to inadequate financial crime risk management. For example, in August 2022, New York’s […]

Many firms believe risk-based transaction monitoring means stricter rules, more alerts  – and more costs. Yet is this really true, or could this approach be costing firms in unexpected ways? At ComplyAdvantage, our implementation and customer success teams support our […]

From COVID-19 to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, global events are significantly changing the behavior of criminals and legitimate customers alike. In turn, these changes have impacted firms’ transaction risk management frameworks. In an interview with global financial crime consultancy […]

Firms typically focus on improving their fraud prevention and detection measures to mitigate risk and reduce financial losses. But what is fraud prevention, and how does it differ from fraud detection? Are the two functions completely separate? Most importantly, what […]

Efficient and accurate data analysis is vital for effective AML/CFT programs – yet AML teams using legacy transaction monitoring programs frequently deal with backlogged systems. Their analysts often experience burnout from processing high volumes of alerts with too many false […]