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Fraud risk management guide: Identify, assess & mitigate risks

Fraud Knowledge & Training

Due to economic pressures, businesses have undergone both external and internal changes that can make them susceptible to exploitation. The numbers are evidence of this, as the total amount of global e-commerce fraud losses for 2022 reached a staggering $41 billion. North America accounted for 42 percent of these losses, while Europe made up 26 percent. Forecasts predict that these losses will only continue to increase, with an estimated total of $343 billion by 2027

To safeguard against this escalating threat, a robust fraud risk management strategy is paramount. By adopting tailored measures, businesses can fortify their defenses and contribute to the global fight against financial crime, offering a safer digital environment for all stakeholders.

What is fraud risk management?

Fraud risk management is a holistic and proactive fraud mitigation approach that is embedded within an organization. A successful strategy requires robust internal controls plus investment in anti-fraud technology. It also needs to consider the current and future fraud landscape.

Organizations lose an estimated 5 percent of their revenues to fraud, according to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, with the median cost of each case being $117,000. KPMG found that, although fraud cases against financial institutions halved in 2022, the value of fraud committed against financial institutions increased by 2204 percent to £609 million.

Why is fraud risk management important?

Industry professionals know that fraud cannot be ignored and will not disappear on its own. To combat the rising risks, organizations should address fraud strategically and benefit from taking a proactive approach rather than a reactive one. This is where an effective fraud risk management strategy plays a crucial role.

By conducting thorough risk assessments, businesses can pinpoint potential weak points where fraudulent activities may occur. Understanding these vulnerabilities empowers companies to develop tailored control measures and implement internal checks and balances to mitigate the risk effectively.

Additionally, effective fraud risk management enhances regulatory compliance during a time when regulations are continually evolving and requirements for reporting entities are becoming increasingly rigorous. Implementing comprehensive fraud risk management strategies ensures adherence to these regulations, reducing the chances of legal violations and associated penalties.

Steps to implement an effective fraud risk management program

Senior fraud and compliance professionals can refer to the following steps as a list of best practices to enhance their firm’s fraud risk management programs.

1. Assess risk and vulnerabilities 

Start by conducting a comprehensive risk assessment to identify potential areas of vulnerability to fraud. Collaborate with key stakeholders across departments to gain a holistic understanding of the organization’s operations, processes, and systems. Analyze historical fraud incidents and review industry best practices to inform your risk assessment. Questions to ask when assessing potential fraud risks include:

2. Establish clear policies and procedures 

Develop clear and concise fraud prevention policies and procedures tailored to your organization’s unique risks and requirements. These policies should outline acceptable conduct, reporting mechanisms, and consequences for fraudulent behavior. Ensure that all employees are aware of and understand these policies through regular training and communication.

3. Implement internal controls

Internal controls play a crucial role in minimizing fraud risks. Segregation of duties, access controls, and authorization mechanisms are essential components of a robust control framework. Regularly review and update these controls to adapt to changing business needs and emerging fraud threats.

4. Conduct regular fraud awareness training

Education is paramount to prevent fraud. Provide regular fraud awareness training for all employees to recognize potential red flags, fraud indicators, and the importance of reporting suspicions promptly. Tailor the training to different departments, job roles, and levels of responsibility within the organization.

5. Establish monitoring and detection mechanisms 

Deploy advanced fraud detection tools and analytics to monitor transactions, behavior patterns, and anomalies that could indicate potential fraudulent activity. Implementing AI-driven solutions can enhance the accuracy and efficiency of fraud detection, aiding in timely intervention.

6. Respond and investigate fraud incidents 

Prepare a well-defined response plan for handling suspected fraud incidents. This plan should include protocols for investigation, involving relevant internal and external parties, and complying with legal and regulatory requirements. Swift action is crucial to mitigate potential damages and prevent recurrence.

7. Continuously evaluate and enhance the program

Fraud risk management is an ongoing process. Regularly assess the effectiveness of your program, seeking feedback from stakeholders, and making improvements accordingly. Stay up-to-date with the latest fraud trends and technologies to ensure your organization is prepared to face evolving threats.

Fraud risk management solutions

In the fight against fraud, the right tools can help equip firms to better detect and prevent fraudulent activity. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) has been highlighted by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) as able to help firms detect abnormalities, provide alert prioritization to make remediation more efficient, and intuitively set fraud transaction monitoring thresholds. Forensic and behavioral analytics can connect seemingly unrelated data in a customer’s profile – even among multiple accounts (known as identity clustering). 

The key is to create a holistic, fraud-aware culture, reduce silos, and encourage transparency. Businesses have the best chance of preventing fraud if they are proactive, take fraud seriously and invest in a market-leading fraud detection solution.

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Originally published 08 August 2023, updated 02 April 2024

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